As much as we love our pets, they aren’t particularly kind to their human friends. Pets shed hair and dander, microscopic skin cells that can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. This is why pet allergies are on the rise. Unfortunately, allergic reactions to pet dander are rarely mild. An allergic reaction to pet dander can be anything from a mild irritation to a full-blown asthma attack, requiring quick medical attention and medication. If you have allergies or asthma, you may want to consider re-evaluating your relationship with furry friends. There are many ways to reduce pet dander exposure in your home and minimize the risk of developing a pet allergy or asthma symptoms. Let’s take a look at some of them:

Change your bedding frequently

Dust and dander accumulate on your bedding, carpets, and furniture more quickly than you might think. This is why it’s important to change your bedding frequently. You can reduce pet dander exposure by replacing your bedding more frequently than you do your towels or other fabrics.You should also consider using anti-allergen covers for your mattresses and pillows. These are particularly helpful for people with allergies or asthma.

Eliminate carpeting and rugs

Carpeting and rugs trap pet dander, dust mites, and other allergens. This makes them ideal breeding grounds for pet allergens.If you have pets, you can reduce pet dander exposure by removing carpeting and rugs from your home. You can also choose to replace your carpeting with tile or hardwood floors, which are less likely to trap pet dander and dust mites.

Vacuum often

Vacuuming is one of the most effective ways to reduce pet dander exposure. You can reduce pet dander by vacuuming frequently and thoroughly. You can also choose to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, which is particularly effective at removing pet dander and dust mites.

Wash your hands often

Pet dander is easily transferred from your hands to your clothes and other surfaces. You can reduce pet dander exposure by frequently washing your hands.You can also use anti-allergen soap to remove pet dander and other allergens from your hands.

Kick the shoes to the curb

Pet dander is often found in shoes, particularly in the areas that come into contact with your socks and shoes. You can reduce pet dander exposure by frequently changing your shoes.You can also purchase anti-allergen shoe covers to further reduce pet dander exposure.

Keep your curtains and blinds open

Dust and dander accumulate on your curtains and blinds more quickly than you might think. This is why it’s important to keep your curtains and blinds open as often as possible.You can reduce pet dander exposure by frequently opening your curtains and blinds.


Pets are wonderful companions, but they produce many tiny airborne irritants that can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. The best way to reduce pet dander exposure is to keep your home clean and tidy. This will reduce the amount of dust and dander floating around your home. You can also help reduce pet dander exposure by regularly cleaning your curtains and blinds.

Frequently Asked Question

Sometimes, all it needs for a place to become unhealthy are contaminants, molds, dust, unclean air, and pests. Without the sense of cleanliness, diseases thrive inside your home creating an unhealthy environment where kids and adults contract diseases, in turn, spreading the same in the neighborhood; while affecting the rest of the community’s physical and emotional state.

To achieve a healthy living space, one must develop the need to keep their home clean and organized. Start with common places at home like the kitchen, comfort room, living room, entertainment room, and dining room. Also, consider cleaning your private spaces regularly. These are your rooms, the house library, and the nursery among others. Remember that a healthy living space is not just about what you can see, it is also what you can smell and feel that makes it healthy.

Ever felt the need to sneeze more often? Have you seen pests and insects more regularly lately? For sure, one or two people inside the household have been sick from these. If you do, then you might be in an unhealthy home. Consider keeping a close look at common triggers for asthma and the like and you will see for yourself the need to turn your homes into a more comforting place to stay.